
מציג פוסטים מתאריך יוני, 2018
  Alonso  The Philippines                                                                               Forget about the rest  next destination - Manila  .(The Philippines - A country with 7107 tropical islands (some of them are not populated  .The  islands are perfect for diving and experiencing a whole world under water The Philippine people are happy and kind, many speak English and treat foreigners with respect. Costs are low compares to western countries. The Philippine People like to eat, every occasion is involved with food and a lot. They also love to eat outside, so there is large variety of good restaurants with very affordable prices. In Manila There are many malls offering anything you might want, manta options for shopping, international chains, local, Japanese, Korean, American etc. Weather: The months April – Mei are extremely hot, average of 35 Celsius degrees with very high humidity. June – about 25 degrees